Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Colossians 2:23
Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

There are a lot of good things done in the name of religion and spirituality that seem wise and virtuous and noble and sacrificial. However, in the end, they are worthless act which have no eternal value but instead serve to feed our prideful flesh, to puff us up with false humility and piety and dissuade others from the true substance of faith and spirituality. These practices include serving, giving, fighting injustice, saving the environment and endangered animals, feeding the hungry and championing causes. These are the marks of pop-cultural spirituality or "Oprahanity." In reality, these practices are empty shadows of what is the true substance of faith - Jesus Christ (2:7).
And while it is easy to point out such empty practices in "Oprahanity," we must also courageously scrutinize the practices of Christianity and ask ourselves if we too have placed false confidence in shadows rather than substance. Have we found false security in Christian virtues and values rather than Christ? Am I puffed up by prayer or Bible reading or journaling or serving or working at a church or anything else? Where is my confidence and value?

Father - help me focus on You alone and find my confidence and value in knowing You... or more rightly, in being known by You. Amen.

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