Monday, August 30, 2010


Isaiah 32:7-8
Also the schemes of the schemer are evil;
He devises wicked plans
To destroy the poor with lying words,
Even when the needy speaks justice.
But a generous man devises generous things,
And by generosity he shall stand.

Here Isaiah contrasts two types of people. The schemer devises wicked plans and ways to exploit others for his own benefit and promotion. He ignores justice and has no heart for the cries of the poor. The generous man however devises generous plans. By contrast, he knows justice and his heart is bent toward those in need. When trials, opposition or times of want set in, it is the generosity of this man that preserves him. By contrast, the schemer will fall when such times arise.
So what type of person am I?
What type of person are you?
How would we be described by those closest to us?... to those we work with?... to those we live with?

Father, teach me to be more generous. Teach me to value others, even and especially the poor, as more valuable than my stuff. Amen.

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