Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am the pen, the Spirit the ink; who is my letter?

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.

What evidence is there of God's work in and through me as a minister of Jesus Christ? Many Christians point to certain habits such as church attendance or membership, Scripture reading and memory, serving, giving or even evangelism. According to verse one, Paul may have been asked for some type of letter of commendation that would legitimize his ministry and identify him with the Christian church of Jerusalem. These things may all be good but none are sufficient evidence for the presence of the Holy Spirit and His work. Instead, Paul points to changed lives. The believers in Corinth couldn't deny that their lives, families and community were changed by the Spirit of the living God through Paul's ministry. They were his epistle.
Who are my epistles? Whose lives have been changed by the Spirit of the living God through me? I spend a lot of time at church and work hard to create exciting and engaging programs but these are not evidences of the Spirit's work, only my own. I can point to times in the past where I have the privilege of leading someone to Christ or helping someone grow however such evidence should be current and continuous. Who have I touched lately? What evidence is there today that I have fully submitted my life and agenda to Jesus Christ and that His Spirit is working through me? When people look at my family, my kids, do they see a continuous testimony of growth and maturity in Christ? Do my children reflect a father fully submitted to God and listening to His Holy Spirit? How can I prepare myself today to be the pen that God uses to write His name on the hearts of my family, friends and fellow man today?

Heavenly Father, use me today to touch someone's life. Let me be the pen You use to write a testimony of love and truth on the heart of someone I connect with. Let the evidence of my faith not be my own work, but Your work; the work the of the Holy Spirit through me. Give me words to say, tender mercies, patience, understanding and love. Don't let my inkwell run dry but fill me today with Your Spirit. Amen.

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