Tuesday, June 15, 2010

no wavering

Romans 4:20-21
Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

Abraham did not waver in his faith even in the face of the difficult, the improbable or the impossible. He reasoned that God was fully capable and willing to do what He had promised to do. He believed that God was able to take him to a promised land, able to give him a son in his old age, able to make him a great nation, able to establish him as a blessing to all nations. All of this was promised before any of it came to be (Gen. 12:1-2). This faith was accredited to Abraham as righteousness (Rom. 4:3). This faith placed Abraham in right standing before God and made way for the blessings and promises of God to be granted.
So how is my faith? Do I waver when things get difficult or seem improbable or impossible? Do I let these struggles change my attitude or take my eyes off of Christ? Would my response put in in position for God to bless me?
Far too often I focus on the temporal and terrestrial rather than the eternal and the heavenly. Too often I let the stuff of earth rob me of the stuff of heaven. My faith, while constant theologically, is far to fragile in a practical sense. Yet if I truly believe the promises of God, my faith will not be theological alone, but practical as well. It will lead me to action and resolution. Like Abraham, it will cause me to move, to commit and to respond to what is not yet reality.

Father - strengthen my faith. Let my faith translate into action. Move me according to Your reality and let me respond to what is promised and not only to what I see. Amen.

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