Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is discipleship?

Mark 4:8
"But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirty-fold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”

Jesus says that good soil receives the seed and yields a crop that springs up, increases and produces fruit. For the first time I noticed that the sign of healthy soil is the health, produce and product of the crops they yield. In other words, if I truly receive the seed of God's Word and allow it to grow in me, I will produce fruit and that fruit will also produce fruit. That fruit will be marked by strength (springing up), growth (increase) and multiplication (producing fruit).
It is not enough to produce fruit. I must produce fruit that will seed and produce more fruit. I must tend to those crops and nurture them until they produce fruit as well. This is the process of discipleship. Discipleship is planting a seed, nurturing that seed, growing that seed, helping that seed produce fruit and then guiding that seed to plant more seed.
Do these habits mark my ministry? Am I seeing a seed through to the end? Am I content to simply produce growth or fruit? Do I passionately pursue multiplication and seed planting in the next generations? Am I intentional or accidental in the way that I approach my seed scattering? Am I a nurturer of seeds or ignorant of my seeds? There are so many questions to ask.

Lord - teach me to plant seeds that also plant seeds. Amen

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