Tuesday, December 14, 2010

childish ways

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

What are the childish things that Paul put away when he matured in his faith? I have a hunch that childish ways look a lot like what love is not, described in the previous verses. Love is not impatient, impulsive, selfish, proud, self-centered, rude, self-promoting, amoral, ignorant of truth, skeptical or apathetic.
These are characteristic of children who have not come to understand the fullness of a parents love. If you consider it, you can hear them shout, "it's not fair!" "but I want..." "he got the seat last time!" "I don't care!" "you never ____ for me." Kids have a tendency to express unlove with remarkable accuracy. These are typical due to the short-sightedness that comes with youth.
These are unavoidable by those who have not yet come to understand the depths of God's love demonstrated through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Those in the world calculate and keep tabs on rights and wrongs; often avoiding forgiveness. Those who are perishing live for the moment, chasing temporary pleasures rather than eternal values. And for those led by the flesh, life is all about the self; comfort, promotion, pride and reputation.
Yet, when I came into the light and began to receive the unconditional and extravagant love of God through Jesus Christ and the gift of His Holy Spirit, I matured and put these childish ways behind me. At times I still demonstrate childishness, but it's less and less common as I pursue Christ. It's less and less common as I parent my children and see the devastating effects of immaturity. It's less and less common as I come to value more the things of God.
Daily, I must choose to put away childish things and pursue maturity in Christ.

Lord, guide me to maturity in You. Strengthen me to put away childish, self-centered ways and teach me to live like Your Son who did not consider His divinity something to be flaunted but instead humbled Himself and demonstrated unconditional, undeserved love for me. Teach me to live and love like Jesus. Amen.

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