Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Judge yourself

1 Corinthians 11:31
For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.

If we spent time regularly in introspection, self examination, confession and repentance, we would not need for the Lord to correct us. However, since prayers of confession and repentance are not on our favorite prayer lists, this discipline often evades us. Because we lack this discipline, we face discipline. Confession and repentance lead us to life change and invite the gracious hand of God into our lives rather than the hand of correction.
Communion is a celebration that should drive us toward these disciplines. To partake in the body and blood of Christ without such humility is to eat and drink the very judgment of God.

So when was the last time I sat down for a focused time of confession and repentance?... no requests, no asks, no excuses?

Father, forgive me.

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