Friday, November 13, 2009

Greedy worship

Ecclesiastes 5:1

Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil.

Far too often I come to worship casually. I enter the presence of God with worries, distractions, agendas and a false notion that I have something to offer God. He is holy, perfect and has no want or need... especially one that I can fill. Yet I come with a posture that says I am there for Him, for His glory, for His gain. I am no offering before God, not with what I bring. When I come into the presence of God for worship, I must enter through the gates of confession, releasing to God and asking forgiveness for all that holds me back from Him. My offering at His alter should not be time, treasures or talents alone, but more importantly a broken and contrite heart; the sacrifice of obedience. Rather than take a posture of giving, I should come greedy. I should be greedy for His voice, His word, His presence, His touch, His forgiveness, His healing, His work. I am not there for Him, in His abundant grace He is there for me. Not that I or anyone else deserve this, this He does in spite of us, not because of us. Therefore, as long as God has made Himself available to me; I will come hungry to hear, to be filled, to be broken, to be forgiven, to be convicted, to be changed.

Holy God - let me come into Your presence prudently, humbly and greedy to receive what You have offered so graciously. Amen.

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