Friday, April 2, 2010

Remembering God's Provisions

Matthew 15:33, "His disciples answered, 'Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feel such a crowd?"

Here, Jesus is about to feed the 4000, just one chapter away from His feeding of the 5000 and the disciples seem to forget who Jesus is and what He can do. In less than a chapter they have forgotten that He is "the bread of life" (Jn. 6:33).
But it's easy to judge the disciples for their forgetfulness and short-sightedness. It's a bit more difficult to examine our own lives and ask about our own manner of faith and trust. How often has God provided for our needs, protected us, preserved us or promoted us and we forget before the next trial or test arises in our lives? We worry and wonder and wander and work to find a solution all the while Jesus is waiting for us to come to Him. All the while, Jesus is testing us to see if we will trust in Him and acknowledge Him as the bread of life, the living water. He is more than sufficient to meet all my needs... and there is always plenty left over. None of God's provisions should be wasted in our lives (Jn. 6:12) - we should be overflowing with blessings and find a way to collect them all to provide for others. It all comes back to faith and remembering that He is more than able to meet all our needs according to His riches in Glory (Phil. 4:19).

Father, deepen my faith and remind me always of who You are. Be my Bread of Life and may I be sustained by You alone. Amen.

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