Thursday, April 1, 2010

Energized by serving

Matthew 14:13-14
When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

After receiving the news that John the Baptist, His cousin, friend and partner in ministry had been beheaded for His sake, Jesus needed some down time. Yet it wasn't His alone time that seemed to rejuvenate Jesus. It was His ministry of healing and caring for the poor that seemed to bring Him strength and encouragement. In fact, He was so strengthened and energized by this ministry that He did not want the crowds to go away (vs. 16). Instead, He feeds the 5000+ people in the crowd! The only thing that drove Jesus back into solitude was the crowds desire to make Him king by force (Jn. 6:15).
This is not to minimize the importance of quiet time with God, but the question that presses on my heart is this, "Do I view ministry and serving as a burden or a blessing?" When I feel down or discouraged do I withdraw and become self-focused or do I embrace serving, the gift of God to draw my attention away from my own troubles and worries and place them back on Him and His priorities? The next time I feel like wallowing in my own self, will I chose to look outside myself and see the ministry before me?

Father - turn my eyes away from myself and let me focus on You and Your ministry. Let me be re-energized by serving and caring and giving and healing. Let me receive Your ministry as I minister to others. Amen.

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