Thursday, October 15, 2009

Incomparable God

Hebrews 1:3
The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Jesus Christ is the exact image of God, the perfect reflection of His glory and the powerful personification of the Word of God, sustaining all things eternally from creation to completion. Jesus is not simply god-like or godly. Jesus is not just a temporary or earthly representation of deity. He is not just one of many sons of God. He is the only, eternal, perfect creator God in human flesh; fully and completely God and man. We use words like incarnation, trinity and hypostatic union to describe the amazing nature of Jesus Christ but all fall short. While there are analogies for nearly every other spiritual truth in Scripture, there is nothing even attempted or worthy to attempt to describe the wonder and beauty of Jesus Christ.

Jesus - You alone are awesome. There is no one, nothing like You. You are above and beyond all human understanding and yet you have condescended to meet us and have made Yourself accessible and knowable by sinful people like me. Thank You seems so inadequate. Jesus, give me the strength and self-discipline to thank you with my life and obedience each day. Amen.

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