Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Perfect forgiveness

Hebrews 9:14 (CEV)
But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. That's why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death.

The sacrifice of Christ Himself purifies not only our sinful flesh, but also the soul and even the conscience. His blood does not simply cover over our sins as did the blood of bulls and lambs. His blood penetrates our sinful flesh and purifies us completely. We don't have to wonder if or worry that the sacrifice would be sufficient or that the ceremony would be sanctified. Because our eternal, perfect High Priest has not only performed the ceremony but also become the sacrifice, we can know for certain that we are forgiven. I don't have to fret over the letter of the law, unidentified sin or meeting some pious standard. I can live in a confidence that comes by faith because it is His work completely, not my own - even in part. I am clean by the perfect blood of Jesus and can enter into His heavenly tabernacle, His presence, without worry in service before the Living God.

Father - set me free from wonder, worry, doubt and personal effort. I know these truths but at times my faith is weak. Strengthen my faith so that it is only and always only in You. Cleanse my guilty conscience daily that I may enter your presence with confidence and boldly serve You. Amen.

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