Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Eye

Luke 11:34
"Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness."

Garbage in, garbage out. If I waste my time watching meaningless movies and TV, study the latest celebrity trends, take in the themes of our culture - I am filling myself with darkness. If I gaze at my neighbors stuff, envy their accomplishments, lust after their possessions or gawk at a woman - I am filling myself with darkness. If I glance with evil thoughts or judgment; if I allow my eyes to be ruled by a critical spirit - I am filling myself with darkness. Jesus does not go lightly here with this warning. If the eye is evil the WHOLE BODY is FULL of darkness. The darkness will push back and extinguish the light. But if my eye is good, if my gaze is set on the Lord< if i study His word, if my glance leads me to praise Him for His creation - I am full of light. This light will push back the darkness completely. The battle for my heart and mind begins with my eyes.

Lord - forgive my lustful, prideful, jealous, ambitious, critical, selfish, greedy looks. Purify my eyes and give me the strength and conviction to focus on You and what You call good. Fill me with Your light and let me shine for You. Amen.

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