Monday, March 16, 2009

Rejoice in Salvation

Luke 10:20
"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

It's easy and tempting to focus on and rejoice in the visible accomplishments of this life - even and especially the spiritual ones. Feeding the hungry, caring for the poor, preaching the Gospel, prayer and healing are all great things but are all means to a greater end - salvation. The fact that God has diverted His wrath from me to His only Son and granted me full pardon for my sin is beyond me - I cannot grasp the full significance and greatness of this truth. To rejoice in anything short of salvation is missing the mark and falling short of God's great gift to mankind - the redemption of our souls. I must focus on the harvest and bringing people to understand and receive this great gift. The harvest in ripe but the harvesters are few (Luke 10:2). Many are willing to plant, weed, fertilize or water but God is calling for harvesters - those focused on bringing people to full salvation, names written in the book of life. I cannot stop short of this.

Lord - strengthen me for the harvest. Grant me eyes to see what is ripe and a mind to celebrate what is greatest. Humble me in those accomplishments that fall short and let me focus on writing names in heaven. I want to be part of Your harvest. Amen.

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