Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bound in Chains

Acts 28:20
For this reason therefore I have called for you, to see you and speak with you , because for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.”

Paul was not in chains for breaking the law. On the contrary, his chains were voluntary. Paul invited the physical chains because he had already bound himself in spiritual chains to the Gospel for the sake of Israel, his brethren. He was a spiritual slave to God and embraced no less physically in order to reach his brethren in Rome.
How often have I embraced a spiritual truth, confessing it to be true but doing everything in my power to avoid it tangibly? I know God will care for me in want and need but I cheat Him financially and with my time to avoid poverty and make ends meet. I know He will bless my boldness when speaking His Word yet I avoid confrontation, favoring comfort or favor with my neighbors. I know He answers prayer yet I prefer to work things out myself rather than demonstrate publicly my dependence on God and risk my prayers going unanswered. To truly follow Christ, my spiritual chains must become physical.

God - make my faith tangible. Bind me to You in all ways that I may follow You... the hope of all men. Amen.

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