Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Infinite Mercy

Deuteronomy 5:9b-10
For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 10 but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

God's mercy is infinitely greater than His wrath. This is not to say that He is easy on sin or would not punish the sinner - only that His desire is for mercy rather than wrath. For God disciplines those He loves, (Heb. 12:6). God's mercy can be seen in so many ways; patience, forgiveness, discipline, revelation, answered prayer, comfort, consequences, etc. Punishment only comes in degrees of wrath until the day of final judgment. Through mercy God is more glorified (Rom. 5:20-21); for this He is jealous. His desire is for His glory through His infinite mercy. We are the means by which He is glorified. We are a critical step in His glorification.

Father - make me a means for Your glory and the subject of Your infinite mercy. Teach me to love and obey You above all things. May love and obedience be the marks of my family for generations and may Your mercy abide with us forever. Amen.

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