Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grace; the source of joy

Acts 16:25
But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

After being wrongfully and maliciously accused, beaten with rods, flogged and locked up in stocks in the deepest darkest dungeon of the prison; Paul and Silas sang hymns, encouraging the hearts of the other prisoners. Where does this joy come from? Grace.

When we come to understand the grace of God, the great gift of redemption, the freedom in Jesus Christ - no earthly circumstance can touch us - for we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). Intimacy with God through obedience to Christ, by the fellowship of the Holy Spirit produces full joy (John 15:10-11) that empowers us to love all people sacrificially - even our persecutors (Acts 16:27-34). The source of such love and joy is knowing the amazing grace of God in Jesus Christ - that He has set us free and secured our destiny and promised us His providence and protection.

Is my life marked by such joy? Am I more prone to complain or to sing songs of praise? Do I more often pray or pout? Is my joy contagious; setting others free in the grace of God... or is my joy shackled by circumstances?

Father - help me to know more fully Your grace in Jesus Christ that I may live a life of joy and love each day. Set me free from worldly thinking and give me the mind of Christ. Amen.

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