Friday, January 30, 2009

Never let go

Psalm 55:22
"Cast all your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall."

Taken at face value this verse is so comforting. Looking deeper, this passage is both a strong call to faith and a call to daily reliance on God. For those who have not placed their trust in God of cast their "lot" or "burden" on Him (as is translated elsewhere) David declares that He is worthy and able to bear all our load. Not only is God able to bear our load, but also to declare us righteous. He is able to restore our right standing before Him and preserve that standing for eternity. We are secure! This is a powerful and encouraging call to faith.
For those who have cast their lot with God, this is a strong reminder of His faithfulness and worthiness of our trust. We do not have to worry about any tempest or storm (vs. 8) enemy or foe (vs. 12) nor companion or friend (vs. 20). God is in control and will not let those He declares righteous be destroyed. We can endure (vs. 8) because of who He is.

Thank You Father for your faithful provision, protection and care for me. Help me surrender more and more of my burden each day and find You more than faithful. Amen.

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