Thursday, February 5, 2009

See God's Doings

Psalm 66:5
Come and see the works of God;
He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.

I am so grateful to serve a God whose works can be seen. I do not know my God by philosophy or ethereal notions - I can see His works. He is not known only by His being, but also by His doing. This is so significant to my faith. In witnessing His deeds my faith is not founded in darkness or mystery but in the practical, tangible and visible. When my faith is challenged or I struggle to recognize the awesome doings of God I can look to Scripture to illuminate and validate what I see. Through the lens of Scripture God's work can be seen in nature, life, relationships, systems, provision, protection, circumstances and so much more. Not only is Scripture my lens, it is also my compass that points me where to look. Furthermore, Scripture is my interpreter to process where and what I see. My faith is founded in the real, visible, valid and awesome work of God. My faith is not blind nor am I - I can see the very work of God.

God - open my eyes to your mighty works and help me recognize your doings around me. Amen.

side-thought - God is not a being... God is a Doing.

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