Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Proverbs 7:4
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
And call understanding your nearest kin,

What is my relationship with my sister and nearest of kin to be like that God would call me to relate to wisdom similarly?
My sister I love, honor, respect, guard protect and defend. I treat her with preference, priority, purity, loyalty and dignity.
My nearest of kin, the Bible says, is to be where I turn in time of need. My nearest of kin is protection, provision, peace, rest and favor. I am to rely on family in the same way that my sister relies on me.
Therefore, I am to protect, guard, honor and cherish wisdom as I rely on it for my protection, provision and peace. there is therefore a cyclical and progressive relationship here that we are commanded to pursue; the more we honor wisdom, the more wisdom honors us, the more we guard wisdom, the more it guards us.

Father, teach me to pursue wisdom with honor, respect, prudence and preference so that I may find her protection, provision, preference and peace in my time of need. amen.

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