Friday, May 16, 2008

Self Examination

1 Corinthians 11:28 & 31
"A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.... 31But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment."

I know that there is no shortage of places in my life to examine - so why do I avoid judging myself? Guilt? Pride? Fear? When I fail to identify the sin in my life I am guilty of the blood of Christ rather than cleansed by it. When I harbor sin in my heart and mind, I choose to take lightly the blood of Jesus. His blood was shed for not only my justification, but also for my sanctification. I'll never be made Holy until I let the knowledge and weight of my sin and His death penetrate my heart and life. When I rightly see my sin, the celebration of the Eucharist takes on a whole different powerfully sanctifying nature. It no longer condemns but conforms. I move from a standing of guilt to one of grace. But I'll never get there unless I am willing to examine myself; to ruthlessly judge my actions, words, thoughts and motives in the light of the cross.

God, help me to see my sin. Grant me the strength to judge myself and open up the process of sanctification daily. May I rightly approach my sin, the cross and the Lord's supper - and celebrate His death in joy rather than judgement. Make me holy through the power of confession. Amen.

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