Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Mark 1:41
"Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.”

"Moved with compassion," what an amazing statement that the sovereign creator of the universe has compassion for His wayward creation. Even more amazing is that He didn't just demonstrate a compassionate act - compassion was the visible motive behind touching and healing this man. What Jesus felt toward the leper was genuine and personal and clearly visible to all around; especially the writer, Mark. And this overwhelming compassion did not just lead Jesus to heal the man from a distance or with a word - He touched him! Jesus' compassion drove Him to reach beyond the obvious disease and need of this hurting man to the emotional and heartfelt wound beneath; to touch the untouchable.
If I examine myself, too often my motivation is obligation, duty, compulsion, guilt or something like it. Consequently, at these times, my ministry lacks touch - it becomes sterile, impersonal and difficult to see. To be honest, it even lacks meaning and fulfillment for me. This may be the result of moving too fast, taking on too much or worrying about my reputation too much... all things Jesus never did.
Oh to have the pace and balance and faith to truly develop compassion. Oh to develop the compassion of Jesus; to be driven by His heart and truly feel the needs of others; if only to touch others the way that Jesus did.

Father slow me down and fill me with compassion for others. Help me feel the needs of those around me and may my ministry truly touch the lives of others. Take me deeper than the surface needs of those You have entrusted to me and grant me the grace to make a real difference. Amen.

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