Monday, July 14, 2008

A Different Reality

Mark 5:36
""As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.”

In the face of the verified news that Jairus' daughter was dead, Jesus chose to believe a different reality. And I do believe it was His choice - a decision based in faith and hope rather than knowledge and evidence. His choice did not follow reality, reality followed His choice to believe in the power of God and His good will for those who believe. This means that, despite all the evidence, the reality that would follow was still unknown and uncertain; even to Jesus. It was only by faith in God and the knowledge of His good will that Jesus could proclaim to Jairus, "Don't be afraid, only believe." It was only by faith that He could continue to walk toward Jairus' home.
So where in my life have I chosen to believe a different reality; one based on evidence and perception rather than on the power and goodness of God? Am I making decisions based on earthly knowledge rather than heavenly wisdom? Are there areas of my life; finance, relationships, opportunities, etc... where I am motivated by fear rather than faith? I must chose a different reality despite fear, evidence and the laughter of the crowd (vs. 40). I must chose to believe in the power and goodness of God and believe Him for a better reality. And I must let that faith carry me into the "Jairus' house" of my life each day to see that reality and the Glory of God revealed.

Father - give me the faith and strength of heart to believe in your power and goodness and to continue to walk into my "Jairus' house" to see your Glory revealed. Amen.

1 comment:

Amy Rudge said...

Thank you for this have no idea how it spoke to me. :) You rock, brother!