Wednesday, April 8, 2009

render to God...

Luke 20:25
And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

What brilliance! I wonder if the spies to asked about taxes ever asked the logical follow-up to Jesus answer? Verse 26 says that "they marveled" and "kept silent." But did they ever ask, "then what is made in God's image that we ought to render to God?" God is not interested in the stuff of earth but in that which is eternal - His glory and His image stamped on the hearts of men. I am made in the image of God and I rightfully belong to Him.
Far too often I am willing to give God my earthly things; my worries, my problems, my job, my finances, my relationships, time, etc.... However I withhold from Him my heart. Like taxes unto Caesar, God is due my whole life and heart daily. So what would it look like to render to God what is made in His image?
I should daily conform more and more to the image of God in me. I should daily point others to God and His Glory. I should invest my life in the things that God values - the souls of men. I should lay aside and leverage the things of this earth for the sake of the kingdom. I should reflect His glory in all that I do and say.

Father - I give You my heart and my life. Conform me to the image of Your Son Jesus Christ. Use me for Your will, for the glory of Your kingdom. Remind me daily to give back to You what is rightfully Yours. Amen.

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